
10月大写 “10月大写”是一种由中国传统文化所衍生出来的书写字体。故名思意,“大写”指的是字体的特殊结构特性,即字体结构上比一般字体呈大写状。而“十月”,这里则指的是通过作者将书写技艺发展到一定水准之后,







October is the 10th month of the Gregorian calendar, and is written in English as OCTOBER. It is composed of a combination of two Latin words, \"OCTO\" meaning eight and \"BER\" which means the second.

October is usually associated with the autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere, as this is usually when the leaves of deciduous trees change color, and is thus considered the start of autumn in some cultures. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is typically the equivalent of April in the Northern Hemisphere and marks the beginning of spring.

October is also associated with Halloween, which is celebrated on Oct. 31. This is the season when people dress up in costumes and go out in search of treats from one house to the next. In addition, October also marks Columbus Day, a US holiday, which is celebrated on the second Monday of October due to the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492.

The month of October also marks a special occasion in many parts of the world, as it is dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, where millions of people around the world take part in campaigns to encourage women and men to get screened for breast cancer early-on.

It is an important month and deserves to be recognized in this way. Written in capital letters, OCTOBER marks a special time of the year, in which many different holidays and events take place.

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