dismissal(dismissal from)

dismissal dismissal表示员工被解雇的行为。它可以指由雇主或雇佣关系的双方制定的协议。它也可以指雇主在没有提前通知的情况下,突然解雇员工的行为。








dismissal from

Dismissal from is a situation when an individual or employee is removed or fired from service or job without prior notice. It is most commonly used with employees working in organizations or in contractual servcies. Dismissal from service or job is a contract breach by the employer for a variety of reasons, such as non-fulfillment of contract clauses, poor quality of work, wrong behavior or any illegal activity.

In most instances, a period of notice or other reason must be provided from the employer, when terminating or dismissing an individual or employee from service or job. A company or organization can choose to either terminate an agreement early, or someone may be dismissed after the expiration of the contract. In certain circumstances a people dismissed can demand the removal of certain information related to the dismissal from his/her personnel file.

The employer is also required to provide right kind of compensation to the individual or employee being dismissed, whether a contract was signed or not. The employee may also be provided a certain amount as severance payment and retrenchment package, to compensate against the job loss. Employees whose removal is unwarranted or unjustified may even be eligible for legal recourse against their employer.

The individual or employee who is dismissed from service or job, may experience financial troubles or unstable situations due to reduced income, or lack of new employ opportunities. Unfirmsiliarity with the job search process can add anxiety to the condition. It is important for the individual or employee to have an support system of family, friends and peers to prevent any mental pressure owing to the situation.

Moreover, for an employee out of employment, job skills and abilities need to be maintained, checked and renewed from time to time. This is important to showcase these qualifications and relevant experience to employers while looking for new job opportunities.

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